Thursday 19 September 2013

Handmade Milk Bun

Man cannot live on bread alone...true. I started baking with bread and not cake and till today i still love making bread. The process, kneading, proofing, deflating, shaping and watching it puff up and the aromas give me tremendous joy whenever i have making them. Is also a great stress releaser...

this recipe is slightly on the sticky dough but not too difficult to handle. Uses the overnight sponge dough. My first succesful bread was using this method, the texture is soft and can last you without turning hard for at least 3 days, you got to keep in fridge on the 4th day

I made 2 overnight sponge dough , one for the milk bun and the other for the charcoal bun.

Overnight spongh dough (12 hrs)

before proof

After double in size

defalting the dough

2nd proof

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