Monday 18 November 2013

Hotel Bread - hand made
not baking bread for almost 2 weeks now is really killing me, so yesterday, despite my sick condition, i decided to make bread . Immediate after work , i rush back to begin my project!What bread shall i do? i went online and decided to try out this hotel bread recipe form Jane's corner

I was very happy with the result/texture eventhough i burn the top , i was too greedy as i want it fluffier and actually it already rose 80% of the tin but i still greedy and end up it prrof over the mould and touches the rod on the oven.s ceiling! i cant even put a aluminium foil in between, so the bread was burned on the surface, or else it will be just like the bread from patti france! it smell so good and i would urge you to give it a try!

after proof 1 hour

2nd proof about 1 hour

oven was too small it was burned or else will look very good :-(

very soft

-next time just proof about 80% , takes only 30 min( i baked at night) if morning will be faster
- i will add touch of salt if i do it again
-this bread is very sticky , i think i added 50g flour, but the texture is still soft , if you are using a heavy duty mixer, i think will be fluffier :-)
-stay soft til 3rd day morning

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