Thursday 21 November 2013

Rice Flour Chiffon Cake and Mini Bun
after a tense week, i told my self that i will do what i like most, baking!!! so i decided on baking these 2 items!Bun will be posting later

Egg White -4 nos
Caster /Fine Sugar - 60g
Cream of tar tar - 1/4tsp ( optional if your egg is fresh)

Egg Yolk - 4 nos
Corn Oil - 20g
Milk - 27-30g ( i used powdered milk add water)
Rice Flour 60g ( i forgot to sieve)
Vanila essence ( to taste)i used my home made vanila essense

- Mix well B, fold in the flour last, set aside
- for A, beat the egg white till got big bubbles then only add sugar and beat, then add the sugar gradually in about 3 batches, beat til stiff peak, it will take  less than 2 min with medium speed. I must remind myself to stop when it turn glossy and with 'r" shape hook
- take 1/3 portion of A and mix to B , then fold the rest in 2 batched, fold gently til you don't see lump but make sure you don't overmix it.
-bake in preheated over at 150C for 30 mins( i bake about 55 mins as it was still jigglie and wet as i test with a skewer, remember to cover the top with aluminium as it turn brown)

My notes:-

The chiffon cake turn up moist and got quite a high volume and did not shrink as much as those using low protein flour, i think i will start using rice flour for chiffon :-)

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